Between the cramming for tests, the meetings that ran late, the lunches that kept needing to get packed, and the laundry that magically kept appearing in baskets at the house, Halloween can sometimes be an afterthought.
Photo: Hello Wonderful
Photo: Sugar and Cloth
Photo: Wine and Glue
We gotta start this list of last-minute Halloween costumes with a hot one. And this one may be as hot as they get! Check out this genius punny costume idea.
Photo: Studio DIY
Me personally? If I’m going as Sally, I’m going as the 1890’s version. You know… back when they went to the beach in those bathing suits with pants and long sleeves?
Photo: The House that Lars Built
Quick & colorful. And a good way to get in those fruits & veggies on a day when the food choices usually consist of nothing but items that come in a plastic wrapper.
Photo: Sugar and Cloth
This halloween costume could only be last minute for super crafty-types, but it sure is a cute idea. And the sugar content is certainly in keeping with the high caloric Halloween spirit.
Photo: Aww Sam
This one is awesome. My kids asked if she was Cruella DeVille. So I suppose this one could be a last minute costume two-fer.
Photo: Sew Baked Decorate
Photo: Hello Wonderful