DIY Christmas tree hack using REAL pine clippings in our FAKE Christmas tree pan out…
I realize it’s February. Christmas is probably not first and foremost on anyone’s mind right now.
You’re probably thinking about Valentine’s Day, maybe Easter…and if you’re like me, you may be thinking about ice cream or chocolate-frosted donuts. Maybe that’s just me.
Anyways, did you catch our post about how we “spruced” up our cheapo fake Christmas tree this year?
If you did, you know we improved the look of our artificial tree BIG TIME by using some real branches in it! Here’s how it looked before it was decorated and fixed up with this awesome Christmas tree hack.
Artificial Christmas Tree BEFORE:

And another one below of how it looked after it was decorated and our little trick was used to plump up the tree and make it look way more natural. Pretty, right? Side note: see what we used for garland this year? Winter scarves 🙂
AFTER Christmas Tree Hack:

Here’s a good close-up of the artificial tree with the sprigs of live pine clippings in it. The real branches added a lot of color, texture and a healthy dose of realism to what had been a pretty sad looking tree.
But a lot of people expressed concerns about whether or not the branches would really last throughout the season. So I wanted to share with you guys a video of me taking the clippings OUT of the tree after the holidays were over.
We put this tree up 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. Yes, I realize that sounds a bit insane to many of you. But such is the life of a blogger. We celebrate everything early so we can share all these fun ideas with you guys before the holidays hit.
So this tree was up for almost 10 weeks before we took it down. That’s a LONG time.

As you can see in the video below, the branches are a bit crispy for sure, but they still look great after over two months. Now I did figure out that not ALL types of pine clippings hold up as well as others.

How Did This Christmas Tree Hack Hold Up? Roll the Video…
I used clippings from two different species of pine we have on our property, and one of them lasted much longer than the other. But all in all, I’m still stunned at how well this simple and FREE DIY Christmas tree hack works!
If you’re considering this DIY idea for next Christmas, hopefully this will set your mind at ease a bit about how well it will work in your own home.
Pin this project for later! And if you decide to try it, leave a comment on the pin! That helps others know whether they want to try it, too!

Before you leave…it’s hard to enjoy the holiday season when we look around and all we see is clutter. Take control of the clutter, so you can truly relax this Christmas – our free Christmas decluttering guide will help! I’ve reserved a free copy for you. Grab it here! ⤵

Sheila says
I love that idea. Haven’t put a tree up in a long time. Storage is my issue. I considered buying one for this year. Still haven’t decided. However, if I do, I have a pine forest behind my house or I’ll go to the live tree lot and buy a small tree to fill in the branches of the fake tree. Great idea!!!
Heather says
Oh good!!! I’m so happy you love it 🙂 🙂 Let me know if you decide to go for it this year!! Heather
Jody says
People always need to pick at people who can do. It makes them feel better. You put yourself out there every day. You never need be upset. I had a very expensive Balsam Hill tree. Til everything was stolen from my storage locker. Clipped every lock off all the rooms and walked off with my life. I am buying a tree from Michaels.
Heather says
Oh no, Jody…that is AWFUL. Did they steal sentimental things like your ornaments, too? I’m so so sorry 🙁 People can really suck sometimes. {{Hugs}}
Sue says
Let them eat crow.