How To Make An Easy DIY Christmas Tree Watering Funnel…
In this post, you’ll learn how to make an easy, inexpensive DIY Christmas tree watering funnel. To do it, you’ll only need 3 supplies, all of which you probably already have at home.
Tutorials can be so dry sometimes, can’t they? Kind of like our Christmas trees circa December 31, am I right? So before I break into the supplies and the step 1, 2, 3 how about a little Christmas caroling?
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, how lovely are thy blasted branches….at least they BETTER be after we break our backs to water those da$% things every day, right? Well, not anymore.

This year, you and I are gonna be smarter than the tree. Instead of breaking Yo back, grab a JUG.
In this one minute video, we’ll show you how to make a quick and easy DIY Christmas tree watering funnel out of 3 supplies you probably already have at home!

DIY Christmas Tree Watering Funnel Video Tutorial
As far as supplies you’ll need for this project, you’ll need the following…

Supplies Needed for DIY Christmas Tree Watering Funnel
- gallon milk jug, or similar plastic container
- utility knife or heavy duty scissors
- 3-4′ length of 1.5″ PVC
- duct tape
- hacksaw, folding saw or handsaw
How to Make a Quick DIY Christmas Tree Watering Funnel

1. Cut PVC to length.
Alternatively, you can be lazy like we were. Purchase 1.5″ PVC already cut to length. The length you’ll want will depend on your height.
You want the PVC long enough that as you’re standing upright, the PVC should be approximately at the level of your hips (probably about approx. 3-4′). You can cut PVC with just about any type of saw.

2. Carefully cut bottom of milk jug off.
Using a utility knife or scissors, carefully cut your milk jug.
The amount you cut off doesn’t matter too much. The top of the jug will be serving as the large end of our homemade Christmas tree watering funnel.

3. Duct tape.
Place the neck of your milk jug into one end of PVC pipe. Duct tape in place.
If any of this isn’t clear, just watch the video above, and it should clarify things for you.
Oh, and don’t forget! No one has tons of time on their hands around the holidays! Make your life easier (and prettier, too) with your VIP access to our seasonal free printables! Click the pic below to get instant access now ⤵️!
4. Water your tree without breaking your back.
Grab a pitcher full of water. Standing upright, simply slide the PVC end of your DIY Christmas tree watering funnel into the tree stand’s water reservoir.

Slowly pour the water from the pitcher into the milk jug end of your tool.

Hallelujah! Christmas and your back are saved this holiday season. Make one for your parents. It’s not an expensive gift to make, nor super glamorous.
But it is certainly an item that will be appreciated by anyone who doesn’t want to get on all fours to water that darn tree (which is pretty much, everyone).
Looking for more easy answers this holiday season? We’ve got lots of simple seasonal crafts, decorating projects and more! Check these out:
Pin this Christmas tree watering funnel project for later! And if you make one, leave a comment (or better yet, a photo) on the pin! That helps others know whether they want to try this project, too!

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Shirley says
I sure would have loved this when I used to have real trees…lol. Artificial and a bit smaller as the years go by for me and this year it’s a Christmas scene with the tree. I just can’t decorate a full tree anymore. It’s a lot of work and I downsized trees a few years back and then went back to a large one last year and said never again! I went with the large for my 3 year old granddaughter but after all the other grandchildren who are now all mid teens, I just can’t do it anymore and it’s hard for the hubby to keep hauling it up and down from the attic. My son has real trees and I will pass this on to him because I know he’s always complaining about water his. Thanks and Merry Christmas!