11 Gorgeous Indoor Hanging Chairs / Hanging Rattan Chairs + Awesome Spaces that Use them…
Indoor hanging chairs. You’ve probably seen them around the www. And DEFINITELY, if you’re on Instagram.
Rattan hanging chairs are a big thing right now, and although it likely is a fad that may not “hang” around forever, I’m pretty happy with this trend. Novelty item? Sure. And these hanging indoor chairs are a darn fun novelty item at that!
Not sure if the look is for you? Check out these examples in this short video montage and see what you think!
These hanging chairs are somewhat similar to cave chairs if you’ve seen those. PB Teen has some really fun cave chairs if you want to check those out. My favorites are pictured below…simply click on the image for more product info⤵️
The hanging chairs also harken to the egg chairs of the 1950s.
PinScott Anderson from Jakarta, Indonesia / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)
But to me, hanging rattan chairs have a leg up because of their interesting pedigree of half swing, half chair.
We recently got one for our daughter’s room, and she absolutely loves it. It is now her preferred spot for reading, homework and hanging out (which we currently have LOTS of time for under the current world situation!).
Hanging rattan chairs or hanging egg chairs do require some up front work in order to enjoy, so you may be wondering if they are worth it (meaning the time required to install them, and the financial investment in them). So let’s chat about those items, and a couple more common questions.
Are hanging chairs dangerous?
That definitely depends on installation and use. If a hanging chair is not installed in the center of a joist, or with appropriate structural support, then they can fall. Similarly, if your child really wants to play Tarzan, or practice his or her gymnastic skills with their hanging chair, that could be a poor fit.
All of that said, if hanging chairs are installed properly, and used for their true purpose (sitting, lounging) then they are certainly safe.
What is the most comfortable hanging chair?
The obvious answer is, this totally depends on the user. For adults, a hanging macrame style chair may not offer enough support as they tend to be smaller and less firm. But lots of children love this style of chair, and they can be more inexpensive than their rattan counterparts. Rattan versions are sturdier, more supportive and larger.
They can accommodate both children and adults, although each brand will have its own recommended weight limits, so check those before purchasing. Ergonomically speaking, these chairs all kind of suck you in. They aren’t great for working in, that’s for sure. But for curling up to read, of FaceTime with a friend, they can’t be beat!
Are hanging chairs good for your back?
Putting my physical therapist hat back on for a hot second here, the short answer is…if you’re asking this question, the most likely answer for you is “no”. Hanging chairs are for lounging, and relaxing and sitting slumpily in…kind of like that broken in Lazy Boy that is also not the best for your back.
But we love both these types of chairs because we can sink into them for a while…but not for hours upon hours. If you don’t have back issues, then you won’t have any more issue with this style of chair than any other. And remember, do everything in moderation…that includes sitting in any style of chair.
Are hanging chairs worth the money?
While hanging rattan chairs are fairly pricey, their macrame or woven cousins tend to be more economical. Personally, we knew that this rattan chair would be a part of our daughter’s bedroom for many years to come, so we felt it was worth it, but that’s completely a personal decision.
Our hanging rattan chair is built well and think should last the test of time. If you plan to hang one outside, however, know that this type of natural material will eventually succumb to weathering, so it may not be the most economical decision for that type of use.
A lovely white rattan hanging chair in our daughter’s room. I can’t wait to show you how the rest of the room looks now! This hanging chair is an awesome focal point, that’s for sure.
Pre-drill to both avoid damaging your drywall, as well as to find the center of the joist you will be using for installation
Install your eyehook bolt into the center of the joist for maximum stability
Use a studfinder to help ensure you are finding a safe installation point
Read the product description to see if your chair comes with installation materials such as hooks, bolts…often those will need to be purchased separately
Decide whether you want to hang your chair with chain (easier) or rope (more difficult)
If you do not have a joist in the location you want to hang your chair, extra bracing will need to be added in your attic, or in whatever is above your chair location.
Adjust the direction your chair hangs by turning the eyehook using a screwdriver. Once your rope or chain is attached to the hook and chair, you’ll find you will likely have to turn the hook a bit to get the chair to hang in the orientation you wish.
If using rope, know that a natural rope will stretch less than other materials, but is harder to tie in a “pretty” way. For some types of rope, you’ll need to burn the ends to prevent fraying. For our natural rope, we tied the end off with twine to accomplish that goal (you can see that in the images below).
Pinhanging rattan chair installed to ceiling with eyebolt and rope. The end of the rope is finished with a wrapping of twine to prevent fraying.
Wanted to share a couple of close-ups of the installation. The natural rope is wrapped to cover the large metal eyebolt secured in the joist.
We used a healthy amount of extra natural rope in order to completely cover the eyebolt. The end of the rope was wrapped with a thin twine in order to prevent fraying at the end, as seen below.
PinNatural rope to install hanging rattan chair from ceiling. End of rope wrapped with a thin twine to help prevent fraying.
In case you have more installation questions, I found this helpful video on YouTube that will likely answer many of your pressing questions! I know we had a lot of them as well when we went to install our own.
YouTube video with helpful installation tips for your own hanging chair
And that’s a wrap! I hope you’ve found the hanging chair, and/or hanging chair inspiration that you’ve been looking for here! These chairs are not only fun, they are definitely stylish, and make an awesome focal point for a space. Swing by again, really soon!
And before you leave, you may want to check out these, too…
Pssst…before you go, I sure would love to hang out with you again really soon! Sign up now and get a FREE copy of “Builder-Grade To Beautiful: 10 Totally Transformative Home Decorating Solutions, All Under $100!” Click here or on the image below. Your copy will be sent right away!
About Heather Thibodeau
A former doctor of physical therapy, Heather Thibodeau went from rehabilitating people to homes as the primary creative force behind the DIY and home decorating website, The Heathered Nest.
With her work being published both in print and online in places such as Better Homes & Gardens, House Beautiful, Good Housekeeping, Real Simple and more, Heather's goal is to help people create a home they love, one DIY project at a time.
Heather spends her spare time writing about family travel to US national parks at her other website, National Parks Mom. Check it out!
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