“It’s a Colorful Life” Spring Home Tour 2020…
Well, the world is a much different place for our spring home tour 2020 than it was for our spring tour in 2019. As the days creep by in this “new normal,” I still find myself waking up each day feeling like someone MUST be punking us all. This cannot all be real.
But it must be. I mean, no one could keep a bad, tasteless, scary joke up for this long.
We are all trying to figure out how to handle everything as best as we possibly can. When we decided to go forward with our spring tours this year, there was certainly discussion about not doing it, in light of everything happening in the world around us. But we finally came to the conclusion that when there is darkness, we must all do what we can to bring light.

And although sharing home tours is certainly not saving lives, it is never a useless endeavor to share beauty in the world. And even a pinch of normalcy. After all, if we only watched the news on our screens these days, we’d all be in a very, very bad place.
So instead of the news, my friends and I on this “it’s a colorful life” spring home tour want to share with you some daffodils. And dining rooms ready for parties that can’t be held quite yet. Guest rooms awaiting guests that may not come for a while.
These spring tours today may offer what seems at the moment to be a nostalgic vision of the world we have left behind. But also perhaps an optimistic vision of the new one that is surely ahead.

Let’s start the spring home tour!
We’ll start in Charlotte’s room. She’s turning 12 this summer, and has been wanting to make her room a little more “mature”. I’ve been railing against the idea because, well, I’m a mom who doesn’t want her to grow up quite yet.
But I’ve been seeing hanging rattan chairs around for a while now and thought that one would look so great in her room.

Before the hanging rattan chair, a kids’ table and chair set sat along the same wall. It’s too small for her now, but luckily, it has been repurposed for my youngest’s room. I would have been really sad to see an era end and have to say goodbye to this little set.

So now, she has a pre-teen approved set-up there, instead. I plan to get a little ottoman to sit next to her chair at some point. I just need to find the right one.

Shop the space! Sources for home decor in this space are pictured below. For more info, simply click on the picture of the product you’d like to learn more about.

The new hanging chair has been a big hit for the whole family, not just Charlotte.

Especially since we are all at home 24/7 these days, her room has become one of the favorite kid (and guinea pig) hangouts here.
Besides being a really polished, sharp-looking piece of furniture, her hanging chair is really comfortable and relaxing. It’s a great place to sit and read.

And because it’s a very sought-after spot right now, she’s kindly (usually) taking turns letting her siblings have a turn in the chair, too.

If you’ve been eyeing these chairs for a while, too, then now may be a great time to take the plunge. I mean, we’ve got lots of time for home improvement on our hands at the moment, right?

Let’s head down the hall for a quick look in our oldest’s room, Jack. He turned 13 this week (fun time to have a big birthday, right 🙄😷?). Poor kid…we tried to make it as “special” as possible under the circumstances.

We’ve made some updates to his room in the past couple of months, too. Again making it a little more teen-friendly. We upgraded him from a twin bed to an antique Jenny Lind-style full bed. And got him some gorgeous cane end tables.
Even though as a general rule, he isn’t a kid that embraces change, he is pretty happy about the changes we’ve made.

But of course, the old train mural is still alive and very much still wanted.

This surprises me since I figured he’d grow out of loving trains by this point. But it also makes me really happy that it’s a piece of childhood we can still hold onto a while longer here.

Our youngest, Hudson, is now 8. And he certainly didn’t want to be left out while everyone else was getting “grown-up” things in their rooms. So we made a couple of changes in his room, too.

The biggest thing was that we finally said goodbye to the sweet little DIY tent that used to sit in the spot where his desk now is.

I was pretty sad about that. But he still has the awesome vintage orange desk I found at a flea market, and his gallery wall is still the same, too.

He got a gorgeous new duvet cover from Serena & Lily to replace the one I DIY’d him once upon a time.

And I gotta say that that thing is holding up really well to some serious abuse.

The little table and chair set by the window? That was a hand-me-down from big sis, Charlotte.

I just re-painted the chairs to match his room.

These shots were all taken during homeschool P.E. class 😉.

And I’ll take you to a couple more quick spots before we end our tour…places where things are a little different than perhaps the last time you may have stopped by.

We recently updated the seating in the kitchen! These Riviera counter stools are SUPER-kid-friendly. The seats are super durable and wipe down very easily, which is perfect for our family.

The painted wood floors are now going on 1.5 years old and doing great. No paint peeling or flaking at all. There are some skid marks from who knows what…black shoes maybe? Although we don’t wear shoes in the house 🤷♀️.
I will probably put a fresh coat of paint on them again by the time they are two years old, I’d say.

And we put some fun pops of yellow in our family room a few months back, as well. Yellow is my all-time favorite color, so I’m really happy to have more of it in our home.

Especially now when things can feel so gloomy. It really is pretty hard to feel glum when surrounded by yellow.
So that wraps up our spring home tour. I really hope that if you take some time to scoot around these other spring tours today, they will put a smile on your face, and perhaps give you a bit of inspiration for some spring projects and decorating ideas for your own home.
Take care of your families, and let’s all try to make the most of the hand we’ve been dealt for the time being. We’re in this together, and soon, we’ll be back to business as normal.
Maybe by 2021, we’ll look back on this spring fondly as a time we had a LOT of opportunity for family togetherness, home improvement projects, board games, and movie nights. And a time when the liquor cabinet got emptied a lot quicker than normal, too, perhaps ;). Brighter days are ahead, friends.
Pssst…before you go, I sure would love to hang out with you again really soon! Sign up now and get a FREE copy of “Builder-Grade To Beautiful: 10 Totally Transformative Home Decorating Solutions, All Under $100!” Click here to enter your email or on the image below. Your copy will be sent right away!

Jewel says
Heather. I’m always so impressesed with your home tours…want to adopt me and decorate my bedroom? Please? Think about it.