It’s going down. I’m yellin…
I’m gonna dance. Because I couldn’t be more ecstatic that this (partial) DIY deck demolition has begun. A couple of weeks back, I posted our plan for renovating our outdoor space. And the plan is moving right along, thanks, as you can see to some enthusiastic help.

Want to see the deck reveal?
When we bought this house, we inherited this deck. And it’s a biggin’. About 60′ across. Sounds great. Sounds lavish. Until you consider the cost to upkeep. Then the realization hits (the deck). Because this deck is not at all lavish. It is in fact outlandish.
What made this deck more outlandish is the fact that it sits a mere 2′ off the ground, yet it was enwrapped by a protective layer of rail so well constructed that I liked to call the look “Alcatraz-chic”.
But today is our jail-break day. We’re cutting loose this state penitentiary look and going for more “free bird”. We are after all at the Heathered Nest. And our birds here don’t like to be caged.

But as Pitbull so wisely points out…

“the bigger they are, the harder they fall.” And this deck wanted to keep its prisoners. But we broke out the big-iddy boys on this sucker. Gotta love the Sawzall!

This thing wasn’t gonna give up easily. There were a few casualties along the way.

We don’t give up too easily either though. One more shot, another round, at the end of the night this deck is going down.

ding ding ding…

THAT is what I’m talkin’ about! WIDE OPEN and FREE AS A BIRD! Don’t fence me in!

And now the real fun begins! Break out the tape measure, because our DIY deck plans are afoot.

We’re going to be building a DIY Pergola. Then cleaning this mama-jama with some power-washing, and a deck washer tool.
The next phase will be staining. We are going to use Cabot’s Solid Acrylic Stain for this project.
We’ve chosen the color “Seacoast Gray”. Just the name alone makes me #happy.

The thought of covering that red wood deck with a nice, soothing, neutral color is in a word…TOO WONDERFUL TO PUT INTO JUST ONE WORD!!
And after all the hard work is over, this sucker is going to be as blinged out with patio furniture and outdoor gear…as much as we can possibly get out there on our shoestring budget. Time will tell what we come up with on that front. But for now, we aren’t gonna stop this party until we’ve seen this project through. We’ll invite you over for the deckwarming fiesta, folks…
Want to see the deck reveal?
Pssst…before you go, I sure would love to hang out with you again really soon! Sign up now and get a FREE copy of “Builder-Grade To Beautiful: 10 Totally Transformative Home Decorating Solutions, All Under $100!” Click here to enter your email or on the image below. Your copy will be sent right away!

thedishbcs says
i just sang that song in my head. LOL