Today we have printable lunch box notes and some cool retro lunch boxes for back-to-school…
The time is either upon us or about to be upon us. The simultaneous dread and glee that is “back to school” time. This picture, I think captures the feelings perfectly.
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How are your little ones feeling about heading back to that ivory tower of learning? Little happy? Sad? Unsure? Mix of allll the emotions?
We’ve got mixed up emotions on the subject, too, right? No matter our level of exhaustion at this point in the summer, we want to send those little kiddos off to meet the school day with smiles, and we hope they come home with that same precious expression.
Do you pack lunches? I do. BUT, that’s only from about August until December. Here is how the lunch process looks the first couple days of school…
School Lunches, Week 1
Confession. This story is already a lie. First of all, I never comb my hair, or dress before the kids leave for school. This is why I’ve inserted this lovely stock photo above. Below, the reality check…
School Lunches – Me: Year Round. You: June.
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here. I’m betting your reality is likely a bit more like image #1 most of the year. But COME ON, you gotta be honest (and give someone like me a little hope) and say that you struggle toward the end of the school year to get that 100% healthy, bento box (cleaned and sanitized), sandwich cut in the shape of an animal, farm-fresh fruit, and homemade yogurt dip all packed away, picture-perfect on school day 175, right??
For ME, by school day 175, the lunch packing ship has LOOONG sailed, and I’m just hitting refresh on the online school cafeteria lunch account. If I can’t see what they are eating, I just con myself into believing that it’s gotta be healthy. Please don’t burst this bubble for me, either. We’re in SURVIVAL mode at that point, friends…
Pssst…by the way, in case you’re in the market, here are 20 adorable, affordable lunch box options:
*Click on a lunch box below to shop for that item*
All this having being said, there is ONE small thing that I do try to keep up intermittently, at least, throughout the school year. And that is lunch cards. I try to pack little lunch box notes for them a couple of times a week. I remember vividly that my Mom did this for me. Now, her’s were always handwritten, usually in red ink (not sure why, but I remember that), complete with little hearts, X’s and O’s, the whole sha-bang. I KNOW that I would not be able to keep up with handwriting these cute notes.
So, I opt for lunch box notes in the form of printables. And that way, the kids still get their cute love notes, and all I have to do is print these lunch cards out from time to time, and stash them in the drawer where the sandwich bags live, so they are easily remembered.
Below you will find two pages of adorable free printable lunch box notes for you to try this school year! Big thanks to Karisa, of Modern Petite Life for creating these for us!
Just click on one, or both of the images of the lunch box notes below to download now.
But wait, there’s more said in my BEST Home Shopping Network voice (always wanted to do that 😉
Click here , or on the image below to grab and print your bonus love notes for our subscribers to our weekly (free) DIY, crafts and home decorating newsletter 😊.
Big hugs and smooches from us here at the Nest to all those bright little faces headed off to school with their big dreams, oversized backpacks and freshly cut hair.
May every lunch be packed with love and sandwiches cut in the shape of flowers and dinosaurs. And when that doesn’t happen anymore, don’t worry. We’ll be the last to judge.
Pin the lunchboxes for later:
Sally says
There is no need to ever spend your time cutting sandwiches into shapes. The end.
Heather says
Sally. You are my people. The end ❤️.
Erin Prohaska says
Thanks for keeping it real! Very similar reality at our casa! There’s definitely a tapping out point, sad but true. Good luck to you and those cute kiddos! 🙂
Julie says
Cutest post ever. Your kiddos have my heart XO