This DIY closet remodel can give you lots of ideas for budget-friendly ways to get the closet set-up of your dreams on a budget…
Got a space you want to turn into a DIY custom closet? We just created our DIY closet—here’s how we used a clever Ikea hack along with a bit of ingenuity and elbow grease to create a dream space while saving tons of money.
There are some DIY projects you do and even though you like them after they are complete, there are little things that you would have done differently. Then there are those DIY projects that just come together as if they were meant to be. Like peas and carrots.
We just completed our DIY closet project that has been nothing short of 2 YEARS in the making. So, which kind of DIY project is this one? The latter…definitely the latter.

Today is our DIY closet reveal day!! Woooo Hoooo! I am beyond PUMPED to share this space and show you how you can save THOUSANDS on your own DIY custom closet by using secondhand modular closet units.
The Planning Stages for Our DIY Custom Closet
I’ve been a closeted closet admirer (hah) for quite some time now. Years, really. I pin them, I pine over them. I dream about them. Then I put the dream away for another day.
But not anymore.

Once in awhile birds sing and stars align. Or, in our case, you move into a home that has a completely random and otherwise useless room over the garage. A room that is only accessible by walking through the master bedroom.
And after the requisite 2-year marital debate (which I detail in all its glory in this post) over how to use the space, feminine sense and judgment finally prevailed (read: the least stubborn person finally caved in order to preserve whatever sense of calm and serenity could be salvaged on the home front).
I should mention that one of the options on the table was an exercise room. But that just sounded WAY too ambitious…for either of us.
So, once we finally “agreed” on the renovation plan, we embarked on our DIY closet mission, and I could NOT be more thrilled with how it turned out.

Our Beautiful Custom Walk-in DIY Closet
Isn’t she lovely? No, I definitely don’t mean me. I’m talking about the closet. I look at these pictures and I just can’t stop smiling.
To really appreciate the transformation of this custom DIY closet, take a look at how this closet space looked before we moved into this house.

Here is another BEFORE picture. This one is the master bedroom. See that darkened doorway to the left of the bed? That’s the doorway to the area that would become our new closet.

And here’s that view (not exactly the same angle, but close enough) today:

Originally, we had planned to put a door between the bedroom and the closet area, but now that the closet is done, we are thinking of just leaving it open. What do you think? What would you do?
Now let me walk you through the new space…

That beautiful settee, teak side table, and rug are all items. So is the monogrammed blanket…

Using Secondhand Items to Save Money on a DIY Walk-in Closet
The closets units themselves that we installed around the perimeter of the room were all Ikea name brand units that we purchased secondhand at HUGE cost savings.
In order to do this DIY closet renovation as affordably as possible, we did what we often do: scoured Craigslist and local yard sale sites for deals. As luck (ahem…aligned stars, remember?) would have it, we scraped together all the pieces we needed within just a couple of weeks.
Going the route of purchasing used wardrobe units instead of new ones saved us thousands of dollars. I’m not exaggerating. It’s totally worth taking some time to look around on used sites the next time you tackle a DIY closet (or any) renovation!

Wanna know our secrets to successfully shopping used and saving money? I wrote all about how to find used furniture, like we OFTEN do, via Craiglist and FB yard sales (another one of my fave secondhand sources) here.

The Small Details Make a Huge Impact
Above is the view from the dormer window area of the closet, which I’ll show you in a sec. The step-up there on the left side of the image leads back into our bedroom. That beautiful wood and chrome table is another Hayneedle item.

I’ve gotta say this little dormer area has now become one of my favorite parts of this DIY closet renovation. It had been completely wasted space, as you can see below in the BEFORE SHOT:

And now, it’s a pretty and functional place for a little floating vanity table,

as well as another awesome spot for storing my favorite shoes,

and handbags…

the clear acrylic purse holders are something I’ve gotta admit I’m particularly proud of.
There are full posts on each of those projects if you’re interested in having your own! Here are the details:

Guess what they are! You’ll never guess (at least I don’t think you will). They are medical file holders. Yes…the kind you see at your doctor’s office. They’re inexpensive, and work GREAT for storing and showcasing purses!
I bought some in legal size, and some in letter size to accommodate a variety of bags.

I also used a similar product for a wall-mounted magazine holder around the corner, as you can see above.
And it comes in handy because this is now a space I am in A LOT.

Instead of hiding out in the bathroom when Mommy’s in need of a zen moment, I escape to the closet. Shhhh…don’t tell!

Our DIY Closet Project: Final Thoughts
Our cheap DIY closet renovation is a bit modern, a bit glam, and WAY more “Real Housewives” of you-name-the-city, than I EVER expected or even wanted to have in my home.
But, if I had to make the choice again of home office versus home gym versus closet for this space…

I’d choose the closet again, and again, and again. Hands down, no debate.

I hope you enjoyed seeing our DIY closet project reveal! To see more of our blue and white master bedroom space, read here. Or we’d love to take you on a tour of our whole house! Just head to our home tour.

Pin this post for later!

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Sharon D. Quinn says
Fabulous Ideas! I am glad to see this.