The 75 best Christmas throw pillows…
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
At this point, the cat is out of the pillowcase. Yes, I have a thing for throw pillows. Christmas throw pillows are an easy way to decorate the house for the holidays. And not only that, Christmas throw pillows make fantastic gifts, as well.

1. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
Was the Grinch a serious holiday staple in your home growing up? It sure was in mine…and still is. This line of Grinchly pillows from Pottery Barn Teen won’t steal your Christmas, but it may steal your heart 😉
2. Comical Christmas Cushions
Witty, and perhaps a bit crass…ALL are hilarious.
3. Sleigh rides, Snowballs, and Snoopy Christmas Throw Pillows
The Peanuts Christmas special and the Grinch are neck and neck for best Christmas specials of all time…but in our house, Snoopy’s in the lead by a nose. And a cute nose it is, too.
4. Christmas Sweater Inspired
Classic or completely ugly, who doesn’t love a Christmas sweater. And the prints on these pillows look completely fantastic!
5. Silver and Gold Christmas Throw Pillows
A little sparkle, shimmer, and shine paired with faux fur makes SUCH an elegant pairing around the holidays. Check out this glitzy, glamorous grouping
6. Reindeer Roundup
I may end up with a whole herd of reindeer at home since I found so many great reindeer pillows.
7. O Christmas Tree
These trees come already decorated. No sap. And no watering is required.
8. Graphics and Other Good Patterned and Random Christmas Throw Pillows
9. Christmas Watercolor Pillows
Artist and fellow blogger Lucy of the Craftberry Bush has an entire line of pillows that she has done based upon her gorgeous watercolor art. I would buy the entire line if I could…and if I had enough couches to stick them on! 😯
Shopping for more Christmas and holiday decor? Be sure to check out these ideas, too!
Pin these Christmas throw pillows for later!

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Alaya says
oh my! Give me all the silver and gold pillows! I love that you gathered all this into one place. Thanks for linking up to #12DaysofGiftGuides!!
Heather says
I love almost all of them! What a way to get into the season 🙂 I don’t even have ANY Christmas throw pillows; think it’s time to fix that problem.