The most essential basic tools for your home tool kit…
New to the DIY world? Just bought your first place? Maybe you got an OUTLANDISH quote for some home repair you’ve been needing to get done and have decided to try your own hand at completing the project.
Whatever the case, congratulations on deciding to take charge of some home repair and maintenance. It can save you a lot of money over the long run if you start to learn how to DIY things around the house.
But before you take a sledgehammer to that dreaded bathroom tile, you need some stuff. Here are the most important basic items you’ll need for your home tool kit.
These supplies and tools will get you off on the right foot for your new home improvement adventures.
6 Essential Tools for the New DIY’er
1. Basic hand tool set
You’ll want a set with all the basic hand tools. Hammer, tape measure, needlenose pliers, etc.
Even if you purchase NOTHING ELSE, this little life raft will help you weather many a storm on the homefront. There are many different kits out there.
Just purchase a reputable brand, and make sure all those basic components are there.
2. Painting Supplies
Unless you are REALLY lucky, even with a new construction home, when you move in, you are going to want to paint something. And painting requires a couple of basic items.
Buy at least ONE GOOD, universal paintbrush. My favorite is a Purdy angled 2.5″ brush. It’s the one I always choose to work with, for almost any painting task. In addition to a brush, you’ll want the following:

drop cloth or painter’s plastic (if you DON’T have a bunch of old sheets/tarps to use)
painter’s tape (not all brands are created equally. I’ve linked my personal fave)
paint roller supply started kit
** nice to have, but NOT an absolute necessity:

All of these supplies will last you a long time if well taken care of.
That means, take the time at the end of each painting project to clean your tools. NOT a fun part of the project, but if you want your tools to go the distance, this is a necessary evil 😉
3. Ladder
Homes come in many shapes and sizes, but one thing is universal…ceilings in a home are taller than the inhabitants, so you’ll need a ladder to reach those out-of-reach spots. There are many types and sizes, so choose one that will work best for your specific home.
One of the most popular/helpful sizes to have around a typical house though is the 6′ tall variety.

4. Picture Hanging Kit
Sure, this project is a bit fluffy, but hanging those family photos on the wall is what makes your new house a home (and you WILL get to use your power driver for this task, so that bumps the excitement level a tad) so buy the supplies that will make it easy to accomplish that goal.
Some of these kits are better than others. Wall hangings come in all shapes, sizes and weights. The elements that are important to have include: drywall anchors rated for different weights, hooks, wires and sawtooth pieces.
Sadly, it’s difficult to find ONE kit that has it all. So here are a couple of what I found to be the most versatile all-in-one kits.
But here are TWO I really like:
Hillman Group Picture Hanging Assortment

5. Level
Important for all kinds of home projects, a level will help make sure that none of your projects scream “WHOA, that MUST have been a DIY-gone-wrong.” And that can happen all too frequently if you’re not hanging/installing “things” straight.
So get a level. Made in all different lengths, choose a 3-foot or a 4-foot variety. Those will get you through most home projects.
6. Power Drill Driver
Last but DEFINITELY not least. You need a cordless power drill/driver tool. This baby will be your home improvement BFF.
There are many brands and price points out there. Read the reviews, and choose a model that you are comfortable with price-wise.

Learning to care for a home is a skill set developed over the long haul. And it also takes time and $$ to acquire all the supplies and tools you’ll need along the way.
But these basics for your home tool kit will definitely set you on a solid course and help remove some of the guesswork.
Best of luck in your DIY adventures!
Looking for more DIY ideas, home decorating ideas, and budget-friendly home improvement project inspiration? Be sure to check these articles out, too!
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