Have your heart set on a blue bedroom makeover? So did we…
One of the greatest Seinfeld episodes ever…Master of His Own Domain. Remember it?
In our house, we had a similar problem. We were NOT masters of our own domain. Here’s why. THIS was the master in our domain.

“Is this a joke?” you ask. I’m afraid not.

In fact it gets worse. Here’s part deux.

Quite obviously, we were not in control here.

This place was beating us down…BADLY.
Originally, the master bedroom in our 1950’s cape cod was comprised of these two, separate, LOVELY rooms.
You see, this guy…

He had just hit the scene. And as you might surmise, he was a tad demanding. Demanding that he get his own space.
And that’s when we started knocking around some DIY bedroom ideas, and decided to combine these spaces on the main level of the home into one, larger master suite.

That opening on the right side of the picture above is where we removed what had been a solid wall between the former two rooms.

We didn’t get rid of the whole wall because that would have been a BIG time budget buster. Wish we could have, but it wasn’t in the cards.

We tripled the prior closet space we had though, which is a big plus in a master bedroom! All in all, we love the way the room turned out.
And we were pretty pumped that USA Today’s HOME Magazine thought so too. You can see it featured in their Spring 2014 issue.
Our littlest critic, AKA the real “master of the domain” was pretty happy, too. He finally had his own space!

blue bedroom source list:
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Pixie says
Love your style and you have an amazing sense of humor OMG ! Keep up the good work kiddo its looking wonderful.
Ashley ~ 3 Little Greenwoods says
Whoa. That is one fantastic transformation! Love the wall color and all the other details your added!
Catalynn says
Thank you so much for the quick response.
I just looked at additional images of it online and it’s so pretty.
I think it will be perfect.
II have Nimbus gray in a couple rooms of my home and have been looking for a light blue to add to the mix so when i saw your blue AND then I saw that your entrance was Nimbus I nearly jumped for joy!
Can’t wait to go buy a sample and try it out… thank you again for your help.