No need to make the bed…
Do you make the bed?
I don’t. And I’ll tell you why. But first, I gotta show you the scene of my daily “crime”. Our house has a wonderful master bedroom space. And truth be told, we’ve been working so hard on other parts of our home, that this space will likely be the absolute LAST spot to get any real attention.
But it has changed a bit since we first moved in, so I wanted to at least give it half a moment of glory. This is an image from the real estate listing before we bought the house…
The hardwoods were refinished throughout the house to clean up the old scratches and to make the floors darker (NOTE: for all you clean-freaks and fearers of the sight of dust in your home…DO NOT go dark on your floors. Trust me on this. You’ll have to medicate yourself if you do because staining dark will make it so that you can see EVERY SINGLE SPECK OF DUST.
Seriously, every last particle of it. Me, I don’t mind. I’m not a clean freak…I hardly even shower. So for me, dust ain’t no big thang. Make your own call, just passing along the 411). *This post contains affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure policy HERE. I worked on this post in collaboration with who provided product to test in exchange for this post. All opinions, cheesy puns, and the like are 100% my own.*
After floors, came paint on the walls (Ben Moore “Heaven on Earth”) and trim. Then some lighting. Here’s the space as it is today…
Totally not everyone’s taste. Not even completely my own, necessarily. But it suits us better than it originally did, at least.
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What’s funny is these shots are SO staged. The bed looks all neat and tidy and stuffy there, no?!
Prim and proper and perfectly coiffed.
In reality, it N.E.V.E.R. looks like this. Why?
Because I’m a non-bed-maker. I’ll admit it. I don’t make the bed.
When I was a kid, I had to make the bed EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And I think I just burnt out on the whole thing. It’s just too much work for me. Those three minutes it takes me to make a bed could be better spent elsewhere.
Plus, we have really nice sheets…it would be offensive to cover these beauties up. There are many things that I refuse to spend a lot of money on in my home. Like bath accessories, for one.
I’ve never met a pricey towel bar or tp holder that I liked. I don’t spend a lot on window treatments, or tile…or even furniture. But I will happily plunk down a little cash for a set of good sheets. Why?
I love sleep.
If you’re a parent, and have, or have had little children in your life, then I’m guessing we may have this love of sleep in common. As a young parent, few things become as valuable as a good night’s rest. And part of getting those beloved zzz’s is a comfy bed.
Sheets are paramount. These particular sheets are from And they are great sheets. Made in Portugal, these Egyptian cotton, sateen woven “second skin” sheets have lovely embroidery, and are exceptionally comfy. is a relatively new company. They ONLY sell sheets. That’s their jam. And their approach is kind of cool…they sell their products based upon feel. Pretty good idea, considering the most important thing about sheets is how they feel.
At any rate, with sheets this awesome, I don’t feel bad at all about leaving my bed unmade. PLUS, did you know that it has been shown that dust mites cannot survive and proliferate in unmade beds? No joke. Check out this article from BBC News.
So there you go. No need to make the bed…just get some nice sheets, and lie in it.
Simple. Easy. Unmade beds, and two good sheets, blowing in the wind…
Maree says
Maree says
Not just dust mites – bacteria and moulds also thrive in the moist humid conditions of a bed that is made soon after the sleeper vacates it. The average person sweats around a pint of water per night, and duvets in particular are very efficient at preventing heat loss, so the bed stays damp and warm for a long time – a perfect breeding ground for all sorts of nasties, which are then only inches from the face of the sleeper during the night. Pulling the duvet back over the end of the bed allows both to air thoroughly.
Heather says
Oh Maree, you have just made so many of us EVEN HAPPIER about this anti-bed-making club we’ve started! I nominate you for club president! Thanks for chiming in!!
Maree says
Lynn says
Your bedroom looks great and I say to each there own. LOL. .I’m a believer in making the bed. ..goodness gracious it’s a site when nobody in the house agrees. Thanks for sharing your bedroom make over.