Stairway design DIY projects…
But I’m a pacifist, by nature. Turn the other cheek, do unto others, the whole “golden rule” bit. So, I haven’t stoned anyone when I got quotes for stairway work. Instead, I’ve taken out the ol checkbook, and I’ve spent some serious coin over the years on stair projects.
Take our first single family home. There was a stairway to the basement that looked like this…and we’ll call this:
Insanely Expensive Stairs Design #1

It wasn’t to code for X,Y & Z reason, so we decided it was a good idea to spend a gazillion dollars and replace the ENTIRE staircase…
It ended up looking like this…

Well, you can kinda-sorta get the idea. I never got a whole picture of the stair…don’t ask me why. I guess I was busy with an infant and probably never thought I’d be writing about our insanely expensive staircase someday.
Very Pricey Stairs Design #2

We moved on. Another house, another sad staircase. This one had ok bones. It was just covered in old, smurfy-colored carpeting. Another poor pic, but, I wasn’t really feeling this sucker was too deserving of a glamour shot, if you know what I mean.
So, we paid the man again. But THIS time, had them salvage the stringer and risers, and just bought new oak treads and railing. Less coin, but still lots of $$ to devote to stairs, in my opinion.

Here it is “in process” as I painted risers.

Much More Modestly Priced Stairs Design #3

Dirt Cheap Plan for Stairs Design #4

**UPDATE** This stair project is now finished! Which style did we go with? And if you want to know HOW TO PAINT STAIRS…head HERE.
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Anonymous says
I like the first one with the thick navy stripe and thinner stripes on each side. So pretty!
Lauren @ Bless'er House says
Wow. Kudos on all the stairs tackling! Your main stairway is gorgeous! I've seen it before, but it knocks my socks off everytime. I really love that first inspiration photo you have. I think it will look amazing with the rest of your decor.
Kim @ Savvy Southern Style says
Gosh, you have done some good jobs on the stairs. I want to so badly do mine some day soon.
Heather says
Know what Kim, I was hesitant to do it, but it was one of the least expensive, easiest, and biggest impact changes we've tried! I'm so glad we did it…will post the reveal soon!