Need a fast and useful under bed storage idea? Say goodbye to messy rooms when you make this rolling under bed storage Ikea hack. Ten minutes and a few very simple supplies will change your life…
When you think of under bed storage ideas, what do you think of? College dorms? Maybe teeny tiny bedrooms? Heavy bins that are nearly impossible to pull out from under the bed?
Well, I have news for you – storage space under the bed is handy and helpful for almost everyone! Especially KIDS! It can also be super easy to implement AND use.

Helping kids stay organized and learn how to clean their rooms (or even take responsibility for their belongings) all comes down to implementing good, EASY, systems that are almost a no-brainer to use.
And having good systems in place means having the right tools for the job.
The Need For a DIY Under Bed Storage Idea is Real
And before I show you how to make your own, you may be wondering why you’d want to. So I have two questions for you:
1. Do you have kids?
2. Do you live in a small home or in a home where making use of all available space is important?
By the way, if you LOVE IKEA, then grab this list of 25 IKEA must-have items for a stylish home on a budget! These are my favorite IKEA products. Many of them can be used in amazing, outside-the-box ways, too.
The top 25 IKEA products list is free, just click here, or on the picture below to begin⤵️:
If you answered yes to either question and especially if you answered yes to BOTH, then this is a great little DIY storage project.
Especially if you’ve ever walked into your kiddo’s room and seen something like this…

Keep your kids organized by making this under-bed storage idea. It will help them to learn a sense of “a place for everything and everything in its place” without you having to say, “clean up your room” 8,734,692 times.
Bonus: when you do ask them to clean their rooms, it also keeps them from being able to shove everything under their bed. That, ALONE, is totally worth the time and cost of this Ikea under-bed storage hack!
If you are short on time right now, then just watch this one-minute video tutorial. It will show you pretty much all you need to know. Then if you have any questions afterward, just scroll down for the answers.

Video Tutorial: DIY Underbed Storage Idea

Rolling Underbed Storage Project Supply List
- ALGOT wire storage bin
- swivel casters (4) – either 1″ or 2″
- Nylon cable ties
- scissors
- alternate mesh basket or this one (if Ikea is not convenient in your area)

DIY rolling under bed storage Ikea hack process
This Ikea under-bed storage hack is a VERY simple project. That’s about all you’ll find here on our site, is simple. Why?
Well, we’re simpletons. Hmmm….maybe that doesn’t sound right. Let me try again. We’re simple-minded. Hmmm, no that’s not quite right either. One more time.
We like simple stuff. Yes, that’s perfect.
Honestly, DIY projects do not get much easier than this one. It takes just minutes and requires NO tools. Ready to get started?
Before you do, make sure you grab this list of 25 awesome IKEA products to help you create a stylish home on a budget! Click here or enter your email on that form right below⤵️
1. Flip Your Mesh Bin Upside Down and Place Your Casters
It’s as simple as it sounds.

Simply put one caster in each corner of your mesh bin then move to step two.

If you’re not sure about casters, just head to your local home improvement store.

Home Depot has many different options in stock, and you can also find great caster options online as well.
2. Use Two Zip Ties in Each Caster to Attach
Watch the video to see the easiest way to do this, but it’s fairly self-explanatory.

With the bin upside-down, weave the zip tie through one hole in your caster up through the bottom of your mesh basket.
Take the other end of the same zip tie and do the same thing through an adjacent hole.

Using a second zip tie, repeat this step for the other 2 holes in your caster. Having 2 zip ties in each caster will make it ultra-secure and stable.
3. Flip Basket Over and Tighten Zip Ties
Holding your caster in place, flip the basket back over. Close and tighten the zip ties, one at a time, by pulling them tight.

Your under-bed storage with wheels is already ¼ of the way done! Wasn’t that fast?

Don’t forget to grab your top 25 IKEA products list! click here or enter your email by clicking the picture below. I’ll send your guide right away!
4. Repeat Steps 1-3
You’re going to do the exact same thing 3 more times so that all 4 wheels are securely attached to your DIY rolling under bed storage bins.

5. Cut Excess Nylon
Your zip ties will likely have some excess once you’ve tightened them up. If you leave it alone, it will get in the way and bug you over time. Instead, take some scissors and cut off that excess.

Voila! Now you can use this under-bed storage idea as a way to store clothing, toys, books, trinkets, and more neatly and easily. And without YOU tripping all over legos spread around the floor (I hate that!).
This entire project should take NO MORE than 5 minutes, at the very most. You won’t need one single power tool. 😊

I LOVE rolling storage. It’s so much easier to use and traditional storage that drags on your floor…Your kids might even ENJOY putting things away because they can roll the bins around.
Plus, these won’t scratch up your floors, and they aren’t heavy to lug around because the wheels do all the work. We’ve done a similar project for toy storage in our home…
They work GREAT. Go hide and seek what’s under those beds, and give that disarray a little DIY organizational piece of your mind – quick and easy style.
If you’re hunting for more simple storage and organizing ideas, be sure to check these out, too!
- Rolling DIY storage in 5 minutes!
- 23 Terrific Toy Storage Ideas
- 25 BEST DIY Bunk Beds (+ Free Plans) Kids Will LOVE
- 29 Playroom Organization Ideas Every Parent Needs
- Yarn Storage: 20 Brilliant, Must-Try Ideas
- Brilliant Under Deck Storage
- Attic Storage Ideas
- 18 Board Game Storage to Keep You Sane
- 19 BRILLIANT Lego Storage Ideas Every Parent Needs
- Organization and Storage
- 17 Brilliant Garage Storage Solutions You’ve Got to See
Pin this post for later! And if you make one, leave a comment (or better yet, a photo of your own rolling under-bed storage idea) on the pin! That helps others know whether they want to try this project, too!

Don’t leave empty-handed! Grab your free copy of our “25 Best IKEA Buys For A Stylish Home On A Budget” list! It’s the next best thing to an IKEA cinnamon roll (and if you haven’t tried one of those, you are missing one of life’s biggest joys)!

Joyce says
I’d love to do the under bed storage idea, but my bed is so low. But I love the idea.
Heather says
Ours actually was as well Joyce! We have one of those run-of-the-mill foldable metal bedframes in that room. So we propped the frame up on bricks. Worked like a charm 🙂
Regina says
And no dust under the bed ever to get into the basket?
Heather says
You could purchase lids for the bins. But that’s WAY above the level of ambition we have here. Reality in this home is that dust will find its way, no matter what. So, that is one battle I don’t choose to fight 😉
Heather Lloyd says
I think this is a very impressive idea! I love using zip ties but I never would have thought of using them this say. Neat!
Heather says
Awww, THANK YOU Heather!! 🙂